Sunday, March 6, 2016

Christmas wines of 2015, The Walking Dread and Winecraft.

This year we tried to keep it simple (in other words we didn't go too nuts on the stories). We did add a bit of an extra bonus too, an unwanted poster, to go along with the rest of the handouts. The photo credit for the photograph of me and my brother goes to my son Elliot.

The Walking Dread

For the label for the white wine I got a picture from Ralph which had been taken by his wife Linda while he was doing some insulation work in his house. I liked it so much that I thought it should be a label onto itself, no need for me cluttering up the frame. We came up with a storyline and the rest is, ah,  kinda' warped history.

And this is what we came up with for the story.


For the red wine we came up with the idea of us being in a video game. Both Ralph and I have been playing the game Borderlands and I liberally borrowed from some screen captures I took during gameplay. I wanted to make it look as if we were a bit more cartoonish so I did work on a couple of recent photographs to wash out some of the detail and emphasize the colour.

And the story goes something like this...

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