Wednesday, January 3, 2007

1999 - Millenium Schmellenium

Millenium Madness

Ralph and I were convinced that the media frenzy associated with the turning of the clock to a new century was basically B.S. (as well as being the wrong year to celebrate the millennium) and so we wished our new label for the new millennium to convey that message.

I’ll be honest, well at least partially honest. I had grander plans for the production of label or labels for this year but a number of time and place issues prevented me from giving it the attention I should. We ended up doing a one size fits all label for both white and red wines.

Originally, to go along with the story line we had, I was looking for an image of a large old building that I could sort of blank out part of a wall to follow the narrative. Unfortunately time constraints forced us to use the cut and paste tree and characters playing cards – from a number of different sources.

Vat II, the same as Vat I. The label remains the same. The numeral changes.

Again I would have shown a better reproduction if I could access the bloody file.

The text is really hard to read in this reproduction. I’ll just retype it here. Oh yes, we added another 25 years to our motto now.

Vat One

Ralph Campbell, wanting to give the white wine an extra kick, decided to add a mixture of rubbing alcohol and aviation fuel to Vat 1.

He struck a match to see how much he was adding and the next thing he knew he was sitting in a tree and a large gaping hole had been blown out of the side of the building.

Vat Two

Colin Campbell, not realizing what had happened at the winery, drove his car through the breach in the wall (thinking ‘this is handy’).

Wanting to increase the potency of the red wine – Vat 2 – he decided to add white lightning and children’s cough syrup to the mix but he couldn’t see the level of what he was adding and so …

After congratulating themselves on another successful endeavour they spent the next two hours in the tree consulting the tarot (actually playing poker with an Egyptian deck of Thoth cards) deciding which jurisdiction to set up shop in next.

Ralph and Colin Campbell, two men who have spent more than half a century... drunk
and there's every reason to expect the tradition to continue into the next millenium.

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