Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Crashing Boar

For the white wine, the boar’s head logo was shamelessly pilfered from Waterloo Brewery’s Boars Head Beer, their name blanked out, our wine name inserted.

The reason I did it this way is that I confess to being a lousy artist. I have always wished that I could draw, I cannot. That’s one of the reasons I got into photography. But I can pilfer like a son-of-a-gun. I spent a couple of hours trying to draw the boar’s head, even using the Waterloo thing as the model, but it was a terrible failure.

Why did we need the head? In case you don’t know, the boar head is part of the Campbell clan’s shield. It fits in with the story line.

I had borrowed a hand held scanner, a really early one, and got acceptable results on the head and the Campbell logo. Actually the Campbell logo came from that same ad that was used on our very first label.

The story for this one reads:

The motto of the Campbell clan is ’Ne Obliviscaris’, which means ‘Never Forget’. When asked what it meant, Ralph said that he couldn’t remember what it was that he was never supposed to forget and went on to sample another case of Crashing Boar.
Colin was unavailable for comment. His ‘quality control’ work on the same lot of wine had left him bowing before the porcelain throne, having an experience we’re sure he will Ne Obliviscaris.
Ralph and Colin Campbell, two men who have spent more than a quarter century… drunk.

So that be that.

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