Friday, January 5, 2007

Pull'a My Finger

Here we just manipulated the famous portion of the ceiling fresco created by 'Mickey' dealing with the moment God created man, only the hands were brought closer together so that it looked like man was going to pull God's finger. Here's the story:


“Pull’a my finger.”

“I’m’a no pull’a you finger.”

“Pull’a my finger. Just’a once.”

“No Ralphael, I’m’a no gonn’a pull’a you finger. You drink’a da vino, you gett’a da gas.”

“Com’a on, pull’a my finger.”

“No! Now look’a here. I’m’a talk with this nice Mr. Buonarroti. He gott’a problem.”

“He pull’a my finger?”

“Leave’a him alone, Ralphael. Now Mickey, I’m’a sorry, what’a you say?”

“I’m a just spend six’a month paint. It’s’a all’a most done. I gott’a the angel, I gott’a the cherub, I gott’a the saint. She’s a beauty.”

“Pull’a my finger.”

“Ignore’a him. So what’sa wrong?”

“I need’a just one’a more thing, one’a small touch to be finish. The moment when’a God creat’a man.”

“Pull’a my finger.”

Sigh. “Look’a here. You stop’a bug me if I pull’a you finger.”

“You bet’a not.”

“Shoo, Mickey. An’a me an’a Collio help’a you finish. We bring’a some’a our vino too.”

“All’a right. I’m a pull’a you finger.” And he does. And Ralphael farts. As Mickey passes out he says, “That’s’a it! Eureka.”

“Shoo do.”

So once Mickey regained consciousness, Ralphael and Collio go to help their new friend finish the job, which is why it took a further three and a half years for Michaelangelo to finish painting the Sistine Chapel.

Nice, eh?

The rear of this card with our motto looked like this:

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