Monday, January 1, 2007

The story

The blurb on the bottle back looked like this:

This innocent little mock bio started the whole shtick about the two Campbell brothers, our besotted alter egos. They were off and running, or stumbling and falling, from one improbable situation to the next.

This was also the year we first used the ending motto “Ralph and Colin Campbell, two men who have spent over a quarter of a century… drunk.” which recurred in later years. We liked it. We kept using it.

Being the poor schlubs we are we found the cost of colour copies at the time to be quite high, almost half the cost of the wine production itself. Talk about your high overhead.

The last thing I’d like to mention about this first offering is look how short the story is, streamlined and to the point. As we went on the stories became more complex and quite long. Often the struggle became one of how to get all the type on the label.

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