Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Grapes of Wrath

The Grapes of Wrath, a literary reference of bad sorts. It does however paint a mental picture of two brothers gone alcoholically introverted. Hick.

I had a hard time even getting a scan of the type for this. It’s definitely too hard to read. The story goes…
Ralph has been quoted as saying, “There are three things you need in life. One is a bottle of Grapes of Wrath wine.” Ralph, after drinking a bottle of the wine could only smile and mumble inarticulately. He was unable to say what the other two things were.
Colin is more methodical and has gone on from contemplating his navel (or whatever was lodged in it) to arranging all the corks from the empty wine bottles into a collage. As soon as he completes his substantial taste testing of the Grapes of Wrath he plans to find out what a collage is, or maybe do a university instead.
The Campbell brothers have once again achieved a new level of incompetence. In fact, Oxford dictionary has listed, under ‘incompetent’, Ralph and Colin Campbell; two men who have spent more than a quarter century… drunk.

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